Parental leave, childcare policies, and workplace bias for hepatology professionals: A national survey

Recorded live on Monday, April 1, 2024 • Sponsored by AST's Women's Health Community of Practice (WHCOP)

"Parental leave, childcare policies, and workplace bias for hepatology professionals: A national survey"
(Hepatol Commun. 2023 Sep; 7(9): e0214. Published online 2023 Aug 28. doi: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000214.)

In this article:
The presence of workplace bias around child-rearing and inadequate parental leave may negatively impact childbearing decisions and sex equity in hepatology. [The authors distributed a 33-item, cross-sectional survey of physicians] to understand the influence of parental leave and child-rearing on career advancement in hepatology. Women reported sex and maternity bias in the workplace and during training interviews, which was more frequently experienced by Black and Hispanic women. As two-thirds of women had children during training, it is a particularly influential time to reevaluate programmatic support to address long-term gender disparities in career advancement.

- Lauren Feld, MD • University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA

- Nicole Alvey, PharmD, BCPS, BCTXP, FAST • Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
- Rotonya Carr, MD, FACP • University of Washington, Seattle, WA

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